Introducing the Target

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Now that we have a broad idea of what Gambia is about, let me tune in a little closer to my consumer target.

Demographics and Psychographics

Gambia is part of the Commonwealth States of the United Kingdom. This means the country gained its independence from the UK back in 1965, so it’s a relatively young nation. Like mentioned before, the majority of the population (youth) is in current state of finding direction… many have considered relocating, some to work and some (my favorite) to athletics.

There are those kinds of people that enjoy putting in hard work to see rewards. In my experience, I have met many in the world of athletics; the motto we live by, no pain no gain. There are certain characteristics that need to be present to build a strong, well-rounded mentality and personality to be successful in sports. This little country I believe has all the ingredients; young adults, ambition and competitiveness. Their motivation is strictly derived from the lack of opportunity to better their selves. Some see athletics as a way to make a living, and that’s precisely what differentiates an athlete from let’s say a first world country and a third world country. The amount of effort and ambition a third world athlete will put into an activity will be exponentially more. With that said, combined with their genetically lean figure and extremely basic diet, it’s just an amazing combination for human performance.

In the following posts I will be introduced to the basic living conditions and culture inside a running community accounted by long-time friend, Ansu Sowe. Ansu is the current Gambian National Record holder for the 1500 meter, 3000 meter and 5000 meter disciplines in Track and Field. He is currently studying Business Administration at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia.

2 thoughts on “Introducing the Target

    Prof. Ray said:
    October 13, 2013 at 4:38 am


    your story telling is bang on target so no worries on that front.

    At this point in the semester, start working on the technical aspects of blogging. embed videos for trial purposes (with citation). the picture setting needs a little work in this entry

    Please do review the benchmark works of your peers for reference purposes. Please come and see me to discuss your progress with this assignment. The ultimate goal is to equip students with blogging skills and not necessarily penalize anyone if deadlines are met and effort is evident.

    good luck!

    Prof. Ray said:
    October 20, 2013 at 4:28 am

    entry 5? please come and see me to talk about the progress of blog assignment.

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